Unleashing the Church
Bob Cowman is an engaging real-life speaker and leader. His impact on others is grounded in biblical truth made practical through personal experience as a family man, pastor and coach. His insights are valuable to all who desire to see the church grow in love and service to the Lord.
74 episodes
Why the Nativity? (Week 3)
God uses people and circumstances to accomplish His plan.
Season 10
Episode 3
Calm-Week 14 The Servant Leader
Learning that we can trust God in the most helpless situations.
Fruitful-Week 13
We will identify four traits of a fruitful follower.
Season 9
Episode 13
Divine Appointments-Week 10
Three themes that validated Jesus' authority.
Season 9
Episode 9
The Conspiracy-Week 9 Mark, The Servant Leader
How far the self-righteous will go to maintain control.
Season 9
Episode 8
Missing the Main Thing-Mark, The Servant Leader
How Jesus responded to the self-righteous.
Season 9
Episode 7
Unclean-Week 5 Mark, The Servant Leader
Three facts we must consider.
Season 9
Episode 5
Let's Go-Week 4 Mark The Servant Leader
Three responses of Jesus that we should evaluate.
Season 9
Episode 4
Proven Authority Week 3 Mark - The Servant Leader
Three responses to Jesus' authority.
Season 9
Episode 3
All In - Week 2 of The Servant Leader
Three ways Jesus demonstrates His authority.
Season 9
Episode 2
Stuck in a Chair-The Disciple Maker
We will identify key statements Jesus used to guide people to become passionate followers and get unstuck.
Season 8
Episode 4
Stuck in a Chair-The Worker
"Follow Me and I will make you fishers of people."
Season 8
Episode 3
Stuck in a Chair-Follow Me
Have you ever considered following Jesus...Just Jesus.
Season 8
Episode 2